Saturday, January 2, 2010

You would be amazed at the money being made with Google Adsense every day by people like you and me. Google adsense is one of the easiest ways I have found to add extra in come to your website or blog.

It hardly takes any computer skill to implement Google Adsense ads into your website or blog. All you have to do is sigh up with Google for the Google Adsense program and get approved, which will take 2-3 days in most cases. Once approved Google will automatically make you Adsense code. All you have to do is inserting Adsense ad into your website or blog. That’s it.

With that said, now that you have your Google Adsense ads posted to your website you will need to drive traffic to it. For starters, everybody knows that content is king on the internet and search engines love it.

Fill your site with good quality keyword saturated content is the first step in getting you website noticed by Google and other search engines, keep you content up to date, try added new stuff weekly. RSS feeds also work nicely because it automatically ads fresh content to your site with no works on your end. Everybody likes that! I could go on and on about SEO but your web site content is probably the most important thing of all. People searching the web love information.

I would recommend finding out as much as possible about SEO, ranking high in the search engines will be worth the work, times a million.

Placement of your Google adsense ads will also play a huge factor in the amount of clicks you get on you ad sense ads. I have found that a large horizontal banner right under the header works best. You will also won’t to customize you ads to go with the theme of your website, so they look a little more like content and less like ads. People will be more apt to click on them the ads that way.

You are going to won’t to read terms of use with Google adsense. Reading terms of use is a very important step. You do not won’t to get shut down for something you were not aware of.

There is also many other ways to get traffic to your adsense ads, here is a list of a few that have worked the best for me.

1. Submitting articles just like this one to article sites. This is a great way to get your site out there. Just write a good article on any subject that you no a little about. Ad a link to your site at the bottom and that’s it. If people have found what you have written interesting they will in most cases take a look and your site. Best of all it is free advertisement for you. There is also software out there that will automatically submit your articles for you and save you a ton of time.

2. Get your site linked to as many high-ranking sites as possible. This can be down by contacting high-ranking sites with similar content to yours and requesting them to add your link in there site. This will help you get index in search engines faster and increase your page rank. Search engines like a lot of links from other high ranking sites. This makes you look more important to them.

There are hundreds of ways to promote your site. I recommend just sticking to a few simple methods to start with. It is very easy to get over whelmed if you try doing too much.


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