Saturday, January 2, 2010

Many of us want to do some profitable online business or bring our land based ventures in the online arena. But, sadly most of us are quite clueless how to go about it. Sales, marketing, advertisements, etc are some of the important aspects we need to know for a launch in the Internet industry. And one of the quickest and the best way to launch a successful online venture is to go in for Google AdWords.

Some Handy AdWords Tips

All the ads appear on the right side of the webpage during the Google search results. The names of the sites are also known as paid listing. They are different from usual organic listings that appear on the left side of Google search results. We often get confused about the rules and terms used in AdWords.

Actually, you can initially concentrate on some of the commonly used terms in Google AdWords such as the following:

CPC- Cost Per Click is the actual amount you may pay for anyone who clicks on your ad. The CPC needs to be conveyed for all major keywords for every new Google AdWord Campaign.

CTR- Click Through Rate is the exact percentage made by AdWords for every keyword. It is usually calculated taking into account the number of clicks and number of impressions.

Impressions- It means adding the number of times your particular ad gets displayed on the Google webpage based on the keyword strength.

There are many other factors, which aids in determining your score for Google AdWords such as Quality Score, the quality of your destination webpage, keyword CTR, etc. it is essential that your destination webpage is of good quality so that it lessens your Cost Per Click expenses.

It is better as an advertiser to know the requirements of your target audience or potential customer. The keywords should be decided accordingly for the AdWord campaign. Keywords can be branched into 3 segments namely, comparison keywords, browsing keywords and buying keywords.


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